Flow ‘n’ Restore Yoga Workshop

Flow ‘n’ Restore: A Yin Yang Yoga Workshop

Sunday 20th December – 6.30-8.30pm

The Space Yoga Studio, Thame, Oxfordshire – Book Here

When we find something thing we love to do, we often start doing it again and again. Gradually it develops into a regular part of life. On occasion we do it so much it takes over, and becomes our sole activity. Something that once created balance becomes a source of disharmony.

The principles of Yin and Yang are relative descriptions of objects and experiences that originate from Chinese Tao philosophy and underpin Traditional Chinese Medicine. Yin yang suggests that opposite and contrary forces are in fact complementary and depend on each other for existence. By brining equal levels of yin and yang, or opposite elements into our lives we can better find balance and wholeness in body, mind and spirit. The idea suggests ‘that thing we love to do’ requires the company of its opposite in order to be sustaining and nourishing.

When we consider these principles in yoga we find two very different ways of working the body and exploring the mind. Practicing in a yang way embodies the ‘masculine’ principle: light, active, outward and upward moving, hot, extrospective. Yang yoga involves much of the traditional hatha active based asana practice. This way of working physically is dynamic developing muscular strength, stamina, and flexibility. A yang practice is more likely to stimulate cognitive functioning through alignment and sequencing rationale.

The qualities of Yin relate to the ‘feminine’ principle: dark, passive, receptive, reflective, withdrawn, cool and introspective experiences. Yin yoga works penetrate deep into connective tissue expanding flexibility and aiding healing. Yin poses work to release fascial ‘sutras’ or nadis/ meridians which gives space to release energetic blockages and increase energy flow. On a psychological level yin yoga invites a deeply meditative space, one that resides in a place of feeling and intuiting.

More often than not, we are draw to activities that are similar to us in nature, we fill ourselves with more of the same. It feels easy, natural and safe. We might avoid other practices and activities as they feel challenging, uninteresting or irritating. If we are very active in nature we are probably drawn to yoga practices that are stimulating, veering away from slow and still ways of working. Likewise, if our nature is to be very mellow and contemplative, a dynamic sweaty practice might not be what we think yoga is.

Yin Yang yoga combines these contrasting ways of practicing, active and passive: the newly developed yin yoga practice with the more traditional yang yoga practices. It aims to bring the polarities of warmth and cool, inward and outward, logic and feeling, active and still together to create a practice that is energetically balanced. We are able to satisfy what we want, whilst receiving a little of the medicine we need.

This 2 hour practice starts by exploring the aspects yang, using a vinyasa approach to practice which is energising and uplifting helping to direct and disperse mental agitation. The second part of the workshop focuses on yin ways of working the body with long held poses to release core fascial lines and take us into a deeply restorative and quiet space inside.

This is your winter warming medicine session, time to set the recharge button and restore strength and energy in time for the festive break.

Flow ‘n’ Restore: A Yin Yang Yoga Workshop

Sunday 20th December – 6.30-8.30pm

The Space Yoga Studio, Thame, Oxfordshire – Book Here


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